Let's just get this out of the way: other than my family and friends, I love bacon, cows and traveling!
Those loves are just a few that are helping me make a bucket list of races that I'm compiling. And, while races like the Boston Marathon, NYC Marathon, and Chicago Marathon are iconic and phenomenal to be part of, I'm not on that caliber in this sport!
So far, my list includes (in no particular order):
- Mo' Cowbell Run
- The Bacon Run
- Bermuda Marathon Weekend
- Running With The Cows!
- Bacon 5K Challenge
- RunDisney (event TBD)
- Hog & Jog
- Hanford Cow Run
- Urban Cow Half
- Rock 'n' Roll (city TBD)
Obviously, time and money are going to be huge factors into when I am able to cross each of these off my bucket list. But, I don't have a timetable to complete these which relieves any stress.
I would love to know what's on YOUR bucket list! Leave a comment below and share your bucket list.